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Final Selfishnetv0.2 Beta Win Xp 7 .rar Pc 64 Download Free

You can use this program to explore the internet selfishly, by only downloading webpages that you visit. You'll be surprised how much better your internet experience becomes - no more slow networks and overloaded servers! Features: ✔ Automatically downloads webpages as you're browsing them ✔ Lets you define a list of websites for it to automatically download ✔ Keeps track of the amount of data used on its interface ✔ No installation required - just download, extract, click 'run'!The free selfless net is written with python2.7 and pyqt5 QT4 module. It is licensed under the GNU General Public License v2. There have been some additions to the program in version 2.0 which are listed here:This program was made by Willem-Frederik Holzapfel, who's idea it was and how he created it. He also made a blog post to explain how it works and a video explaining how to use the program. The program has been downloaded from SourceForge since 2011-03-08, when version 0.9 was released, but a new release has not been done since then. There are no plans to update or release any further updates.Other pages on the web that relate to this program: program is currently not recommended for use because it has not been updated since 2011 and lacks some features which other browsers have implemented, such as letting you choose the speed at which data is downloaded, how long pages can be cached for, and so on. Besides, the lack of real-time updates is a problem because changes to pages will not be downloaded until you visit them again. As such, this program is of limited use and should be considered little more than a demonstration of good coding practices. com/downloads/software/internet-selfishness-0.9.tar.gz cfa1e77820

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